Typical Stakes: Property line staking can take many forms. A typical property line stake is 4 feet long x 2-3” wide x 1/2” thick and is generally made from hard wood lumber such as oak or ash. It is usually driven into the ground between 3 and 6 inches deep depending on the soil and terrain (leaving approximately 3 1/2 feet of marker to be seen). The stake is usually painted with a band of fluorescent orange paint at its top. Fluorescent orange ribbon is tied onto the top of the stake making for a very noticeable marker. Additional ribbon streamers may also be tied near the stake on tree limbs at higher elevations depending on visibility. At corner monument areas the stake will always be noted as "Property Corner". | ||||||||||||||||
Prior To Property Line Staking: A knowledge of the property boundaries must be researched before any property line can be accurately staked. In many cases a complete boundary survey will be needed (See Explanation of the Boundary Survey Process). In some cases it may be possible to survey a single property line. In these cases the surveyor will advise the client to the extent of surveying that will be required. |
Terrible terrain due to clear-cutting Hartsgrove Township 2013 |
Interval of staking: In a heavily wooded area, a 100-foot interval between stakes may be too far, where in an open field you may be able to see clearly at 300-foot intervals. The interval between points should be considered in order to take full advantage of the property line staking without additional un-needed stakes and/or cost (see density chart below). Client Provided Stakes: D.B. Kosie and Associates also uses client provided objects such as iron fence posts, angle iron, plastic pipe, steel rod, etc… The only considerations being: The object used must be of a material that is sturdy enough to be driven with either a sledge hammer or a fence post driver, the object must also be 3 feet in length or longer, 6 feet in length or shorter, and no wider than 3 inches in diameter. |
Cost: The cost of property line staking is based on the terrain, the length of the line, the density, and the number of points desired. Generally if a single point is needed the cost could range between $10 and $35. If multiple points are required on a single line and the line has to be trimmed (a simple 1-2 foot path for line of site) the cost for the survey will increase significantly based on the existing hourly field rate. A typical 1000 foot property line trimmed and staked at 50-75 foot intervals might take 2-6 hours. The same line staked at 150-200 foot intervals might take 1-2 hours by using a simple traversing method and minimizing cutting (See Explanation of the Boundary Survey Process). |