Explanation of The Boundary Survey Process |
The client must at some time explain what he or she requires from the land surveyor. There are many different types of surveys. This may take considerable time. |
Research: Before any work is attempted, a thorough knowledge of the legal boundaries and ownerships of the property to be surveyed, and all of the properties adjascent thereto, must be obtained. It is not likely the client will know exactly what the surveyor needs; therefore, it is necessary for the surveyor to do the research. This will involve office time, travel expense, and the actual time to research the property. It is also possible that consultation(s) with other surveyors, attorneys, and/or government agencies may be required. In some cases, this may take several days. Having all of this information in hand, the surveyor is then ready to begin field reconnaissance.
D.B. Kosie and D. Kosie Circa 1980 |
Evidence: Corner Monuments of record are then located in the field. In some cases these monuments are ancient and take considerable time to re-establish. It is common to find some of these monuments destroyed, moved, damaged or not corresponding with record measurements.
Measurements: The field party measures to check existing monuments and in many cases create a survey traverse. Traverse lines are random lines created usually within the property that enable the surveyor to see directly between monuments and other traverse points with minimal brush clearing, speeding up the time it takes to survey considerably. The field party sets corners where it is possible to do so, however, in many cases it is not possible to set all of the final corner monuments at this stage, so the field crew returns their findings to the office for calculation.
Computations: All of the field notes and data collection, which consist of raw measurements, horizontal and vertical angles, descriptions, images, sketches and/or geodetic readings, must be reduced to bearings, true distances, elevations, and co-ordinate positions before they can be evaluated. This involves considerable mathematical computation in the office. The results may then be plotted on a map, sketch or preliminary plat of survey. |
Investigation: The data and evidence found is then compared with matters of record, such as deeds, centerline records, plats and older surveys. In many cases, there are prima facie defects in these records such as overlaps, gaps, erroneous or contradictory descriptions, and missing data. Resolving these existing defects is usually part of the required survey. |
Solution: The surveyor then decides what must be done to complete the required survey. The necessary computations are then made to enable the field crew to set monuments or stake property lines or do whatever is required by the client. |
Setting Final Corners and/or Property Lines The field crew then returns and establishes the final corner monuments and/or property line locations from the previously found monuments and/or traverse points. This is in many cases the first time the client actually sees the surveyors on the job site and may be surprised to see how quickly the work proceeds. |
Records: Upon completion of the survey required, all records must be completed and filed. This also takes considerable time. |
Reports: Very frequently the client will need explanations or advise concerning his or her situation. The attorney, title company or land representative may also require information as to the findings of the Survey. Often clients request detailed statements regarding charges for the survey fees, although such detail is not meaningful to most people unless they understand the situation as outlined herein. |