Older Image Of Surveyors
Image of Creek in Thompson Township

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"D.B. Kosie & Associates"

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The name on the credit card is required.

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* Credit Card Number:

A valid credit card number is required.The credit card number you entered is not valid.

* Expiration Date (MMYY ex. 0112):
The expiration date on the credit card is required. Please enter the date as MMYY ex: 0112.Please enter the date as MMYY ex 0112.Please enter the date as MMYY ex: 0112.

* Card Verification Value
( 3 digit CVV code on back of card):

A valid CVV code is require.A valid CVV code is required.The CVV code is 3 numbers on the back of the card (furthest to the right).The CVV code is 3 numbers on the back of the card (furthest to the right).

Payment Amount Info.

* Total Amount Due

A valid dollar amount is required.A valid dollar amount is required.

* Amount Being Paid

A valid dollar amount is required.A valid dollar amount is required.

Survey Info.
* Survey For: Name/Address/Info.

Survey informtion is required.

Questions / Comments

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-Please allow 24 hours for processing

Delmar B. Kosie & Associates Established in 1964 - Robert L. Kosie, PS8167 - Owner

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A valid security number is required.A valid security number is required.The number entered is less than the minimum required.The number entered is greater than the maximum allowed.